
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Online este mai ușor

Se pare că anul 2014 a fost unul de mare plin de realizări, mai ales din perspectiva participanților de pe platformele online, cum ar fi Coursera, Moodle, Ael Lms, dar și altele. Aceste platforme oferă o gamă largă de cursuri, unele chiar gratuit. 

Se pare că foarte multe persoane optează pentru aceste cursuri online din diferite motive, fie că vor să urmeze cursul respectiv din propria dorință, fie că au fost obligați de șefi să urmeze acest curs. 
Se pare că numărul participanților este în creștere, mai ales că multe dintre aceste platforme promovează cursuri online, la final urmând și un certificat pe care îl poți obține sub diferite forme.

Mai jos voi afișa numele celor mai accesate cursuri la finele anului 2014 . ( Click pentru sursă )

  • Introduction to Statistics
    Statistics is about extracting meaning from data. In this class, we will introduce techniques for visualizing relationships in data and systematic techniques for understanding the relationships using mathematics.
    via Stanford University | Udacity

  • Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects
    Whether you are an outstanding or a struggling student, “Learning How to Learn” will give you powerful mental tools that will help you learn more effectively in tough-to-master subjects. You will discover practical, immediately useful insights that will help you to more deeply master your studies.
    via University of California, San Diego | Coursera

  • Introduction to Computer Science
    In this introduction to computer programming course, you’ll learn and practice key computer science concepts by building your own versions of popular web applications. You’ll learn Python, a powerful, easy-to-learn, and widely used programming language, and you’ll explore computer science basics, as you build your own search engine and social network.
    via University of Virginia | Udacity

  • Principles of Project Management
    Learn the basics of project management, including what a project is and how to manage one effectively.
    via Polytechnic West | Open2Study

  • Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence
    Emotional intelligence, hope, mindfulness, and compassion help a person reverse the damage of chronic stress and build great leadership relationships. The Positive and Negative Emotional Attractors inspire sustained, desired change and learning at many levels.
    via Case Western Reserve University | Coursera

  • Introduction to Finance
    This course will introduce you to frameworks and tools to measure value; both for corporate and personal assets. It will also help you in decision-making, again at both the corporate and personal levels.
    via University of Michigan | Coursera

  • Strategic Management
    Learn to proactively take control of your workplace and projects by making more strategic decisions and plans.

  • R Programming
    Learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. This is the second course in the Johns Hopkins Data Science Specialization.
    via Johns Hopkins University | Coursera

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